Enhanced Biosensor IP

The technology and designs for improving biosensor technology for the existing diabetic test strip market includes human proof of concept studies demonstrating efficacy better than most existing products and technology designs. The global diabetic test strip markets are currently valued at $10B with approximately another $2-3B for meters and ancillary products.

Enzyme-based electrochemical sensors have inherent challenges. AMSI’s Enhanced Biosensor IP addresses several of these issues, and demonstrates greater accuracy and reliability with minimal additional manufacturing or component costs. Our IP solution has already garnered interest from the highly competitive and cost-conscious diabetic test strip market.

Commercialization of the IP for only the diabetic test strip market is expected to provide significant renewable revenue illustrated in the graphic above. This IP is expected to provide 18% of the Company’s total combined revenues over the next five years.

Markets for additional biosensor-based diagnostics in the clinical and consumer markets are expected to add value and revenue after market entry into the diabetic strip market.

Call or email us today for more information. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our Company with you in greater depth.

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